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Psalm 96


1 O sing a new song to the LORD, 

sing praises to his name; 

And his salvation day by day

let all the earth proclaim. 

3-4 His glory and his mighty deeds

to every land declare: 

How great and awesome is the LORD! 

with him no gods compare. 

5 For other gods are wood and stone; 

the LORD made heaven's height. 

6 All power and majesty are his; 

he dwells in glorious light. 

7-8 All nations, to the LORD ascribe

the glory that is due; 

Glory and strength ascribe to God, 

and praise his name anew. 

Enter his courts with joy, and bring 

an offering with you. 

9 Worship the LORD in holy fear; 

all earth, before him bow. 

10 Tell every land: "The LORD is king!" 

Established is the earth 

And cannot move; the LORD will judge

the peoples in his truth. 

11 Let heavens rejoice, and earth be glad; 

with joy let oceans ring. 

12 The fields and all in them will shout, 

and forest trees will sing. 

13 They all will sing before the LORD, 

who comes to judge the earth. 

He'll judge the world in righteousness, 

the peoples in his truth. 

Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.

Worship Services

Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. 

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.   


1 Birchwood St.,

Charlottetown, PEI

Contact us: 

(902) 394-7080

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