1 The LORD's my saviour and my light -
who will make me dismayed?
the LORD's the stronghold of my life -
why should I be afraid?
2 When evildoers threaten me
to take my life away
My adversaries and my foes
will stumble in that day.
3 Although an army hems me in,
my heart will feel no dread;
though war against me should arise,
I will lift up my head.
4 One thing I'll plead before the LORD,
and this I'll seek always:
that I may come within God's house
and dwell there all my days -
that on the beauty of the LORD
I constantly may gaze,
and in his house may seek to know
direction in his ways.
5 For in his dwelling he will keep
me safe in troubled days;
within his tent he'll shelter me,
and on a rock me raise.
6 My head will then be lifted high
above my enemies;
And in his tent I'll sacrifice
with shouts of joy and praise.
7 LORD, hear me when I call to you;
be merciful and speak!
8 "Come, seek my face!" you told my heart;
your face, LORD, I will seek.
9 O do not hide your face from me
and do not turn aside
Your servant in your righteous wrath
for you have been my guide.
O God my Saviour, leave me not;
do not reject my plea.
10 My parents may forsake me, LORD,
but you will welcome me.
11 Teach me, O LORD, how I should live,
and lead me in your way;
Make straight my path, because my foes
oppress me every day.
12 Give me not over to the will
of vehement enemies;
for liars rise to slander me
and breathe out cruelties.
13 Yet I am sure that in this life
God's goodness I will see.
14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, take heart.
For Him wait patiently.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.
Harmony copyright Free Church of Scotland
Music Source: https://soundcloud.com/connorq/psalm-27-tune-argyle-sing-psalms?in=connorq/sets/sing-psalms