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Psalm 19

Arise My Soul .png
Arise My Soul

1 The heav'ns above declare

the glory of our God; 

And what his hands have made

The skies proclaim abroad. 

2 Day after day they pour forth speech 

Day after day they pour forth speech 

And night by night their knowledge teach. 

3 There is no language use

or any spoken word; 

No sound is made by them 

And yet their voice is heard. 

4 Throughout the world their voice resounds

Throughout the world their voice resounds

Their words to earth's remotest bounds. 

In heav'n God pitched a tent, 

a dwelling for the sun, 

5 which like a bridegroom comes

or strong man keen to run

6 Its course from east to west complete - 

Its course from east to west complete - 

There's nothing hidden from its heat.  

7 The perfect law of God 

Revives the soul of man' 

His statutes which are sure

Make wise the simple one. 

8 The precepts of the LORD are right 

The precepts of the LORD are right 

and fill the heart with great delight. 

God's radiant commands

shed light on what we see; 

9 The fear of God is pure

and lasts eternally.  

The standards of the LORD express

The standards of the LORD express 

His perfect truth and righteousness. 

10 Of far more worth than gold - 

than much pure gold - they are; 

Than honey from the comb, 

Than honey sweeter far. 

11 They warn the servant of the LORD

They warn the servant of the LORD; 

In keeping them is great reward.  

12 Who can discern his faults? 

Forgive my hidden sin. 

13 Keep me from wilful deeds; 

May they not rule within. 

And then I shall be free from blame

And guiltless of transgression's shame. 

14 LORD, let the words I speak 

Be pleasing in your sight, 

And may my inmost thoughts

Be in your judgment right.  

O LORD, you are a Rock to me; 

O LORD, you are a Rock to me; 

You have redeemed and set me free.

lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland

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Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. 

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.   


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