1 I'll praise you, LORD, with all my heart;
Before the gods I'll sing your praise.
2 I'll bow towards your holy place
and bless your holy name always.
I'll praise you for your faithfulness
and for your cov'nant love, O LORD,
For over all things you have raised
Your holy name and faithful word.
3 The very day I called to you,
You gave an answer to my plea.
You made me bold within myself;
With new resolve you strengthened me.
4 O LORD, let all earth's king give praise,
when from your mouth they hear your word.
5 Let them extol the ways of God,
For great's the glory of the LORD.
6 Although the LORD God dwells on high,
The lowly person he protects,
Whereas the proud and haughty one
He knows afar off and rejects.
7 Although I walk a troubled path,
Your tender care preserves my life.
You raise your hand against my foes;
You right hand saves me from their strife.
8 The LORD will certainly fulfil
For me the purposes he commands.
Your love endures for ever, LORD;
Preserve the works of your own hands.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland