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Bays of Harris

1​ How long will you forget me, LORD?

Will you forget always?

How long, LORD, will you hide your face

and turn from me your gaze?


2 How long must I be sad each day

in deep perplexity?

How long will my opponent stand

in triumph over me?


3 O LORD my God, consider me

and give me your reply.

Light up my eyes or I will sleep

the sleep of those who die.

4 Then would my enemy declare,

“At last I’ve laid him low!”

And so my foes would sing for joy

to see my overthrow.


5 But still I trust your constant love;

you save and set me free.

6 With joy I will extol the LORD

who has been good to me

Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms', Copyright Free Church of Scotland

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