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Psalm 119:17-24

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17 Do good to me and I will live; 

Your servant will obey your word. 

18 Open my eyes that I may see

Great wonders in your law, O LORD. 


19 I am a stranger on the earth; 

Do not hide your commands from me. 

20 Consumed with longing is my soul, 

Because your laws I yearn to see.

Psalm 119:97-104

21 You have rebuked the insolent; 

They're cursed who from your precepts stray. 

22 Remove from me contempt and scorn, 

For all your statutes I obey. 

23 Though rulers plots to harm my name, 

I'll meditate on your decree. 

24 Your statutes are my great delight, 

For they are my counsellors to me.

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97 O LORD, how much I love your holy law! 

I meditate upon it all the day. 

98 It makes me wiser than my enemies, 

For your commandments ever with me stay. 

99 I have more insight than my teachers have, 

For on your laws I meditate each day. 

100 I've more discernment than the elders have, 

Because your righteous precepts I obey. 

101 I've kept my feet from every evil path, 

That I may be obedient to your word; 

102 And I have not departed from your laws, 

For you yourself have taught me this, O LORD. 

103 How pleasing to my taste are all your words!

More sweet they are than honey on my tongue. 

104 From your commands I gain enlightenment; 

So I reject and hate each path that's wrong.  

Psalm 119:169-176


169 Let my cry come before you, O LORD; 

Give me insight as pledged in your word. 

170 May my pleading gain access to you; 

Save my life as you promised to do. 

171 May my lips overflow with your praise, 

For you teach me your statutes always. 

172 May my tongue sing aloud of your word; 

Your commandments are righteous, O LORD. 


173 May your hand be stretched out for my aid, 

Since by choice your commands I've obeyed.  

174 I desire your salvation to see, 

And your law is delightful to me. 

175 Let me live and I'll praise you in song; 

May your laws give me help to go on. 

176 Seek your servant who strayed like a sheep, 

For your precepts I steadfastly keep. 

lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland. 

Harmony & Melody Copyright Free Church of Scotland.

Worship Services

Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. 

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.   


1 Birchwood St.,

Charlottetown, PEI

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(902) 394-7080

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