Psalm 109
21 But, O Sovereign Lord, in mercy
deal with me for your name's sake;
Save me in your love and goodness,
and my life from danger take.
22 For I am both poor and needy;
crushed within me is my heart.
23 I am feeble, like an insect;
like a shadow I depart.
24 See, my knees give way from fasting;
and my frame is thin and gaunt.
25 My accusers, when they see me,
shake their heads at me and taunt.
26 LORD my God, draw near and help me;
save me in your steadfast love.
27 Let them know your hand has done it,
that my help comes from above.
28 They may curse, but you will bless me,
and your servant will give praise.
29 Clothed with shame be my accusers,
my attackers with disgrace.
30 I will loudly sing God's praises,
and extol him in the throne;
31 For he helps and saves the needy
from all those who do them wrong.
lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.
Psalm 110
1 The LORD said to my Lord:
"Sit here at my right hand,
Until I make your foes a stool
on which your feet may stand."
2 The LORD will make your reign
extend from Zion's hill;
with royal power you'll rule among
those who oppose your will.
3 When you display your power,
your power flock to you;
at dawn, arrayed in holiness
your youth will come like dew.
4 Unchangeably the LORD
with solemn purpose swore:
"Just like Melchizedek you are
a priest for evermore."
5 The Lord's at your right hand;
there he will ever stay.
He on his day of wrath will crush
the kings who bar his way.
6 The nations he will judge;
the dead in heaps will lie.
the mighty of the earth he'll crush -
all who his rule defy.
7 A brook beside the way
his thirst will satisfy;
and, thus refreshed, he will with joy
lift up his head on high.
lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.