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Psalm 104

Beach Spring.png
Beach Spring

1 Praise the LORD, my soul, O praise him!

LORD my God, you are so great!

2 Wrapped in light as with a garment, 

clothed in majesty and state. 

Like a tent he spreads the heavens, 

3 and above the waters there

Sets the framework of his dwelling, 

making it an upper layer. 

He makes clouds of heav'n his chariot; 

on the wings of wind he rides. 

4 He makes flames of fire his servants; 

winds obey what he decides. 

5 He set earth on its foundations, 

so that it should never move; 

6 Then the deep submerged the mountains

till the waters stood above. 

7 But when you rebuked the waters, 

at your thunder they took flight; 

8 They receded to the valleys, 

flowing down the mountains' height

To the place that you appointed. 

9 You set bounds to their domain, 

So that never will the waters 

overwhelm the land again. 

God makes springs pour down the valleys. 

Streams that flow from every hill 

11 Quench the thirst of all his creatures, 

and wild donkey drink their fill. 

12 Birds sing sweetly in the branches,

nesting by the riverside 

13 From above, the earth is watered, 

by God's bounty satisfied. 

14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, 

plants for man to cultivate - 

bringing from the earth its produce, 

food for all mankind to eat: 

15 Wine that to man's constitution 

joy and gladness will impart, 

Oil that makes the face resplendent, 

bread that fortifies the heart. 

16 Blessed with water are the forests - 

trees which to the LORD belong, 

mighty cedars that he planted

on the heights of Lebanon. 

17 Birds reside among the cedars; 

storks upon the pine trees nest. 

18 Wild goats live among high mountains; 

conies in the crags find rest. 

19 See the moon that marks the seasons; 

to its setting moves the sun. 

20 You send darkness, night approaches; 

foraging has now begun. 

21 Lion roar throughout the forest, 

while from God they seek their prey; 

22 Comes the sun, they slink back homewards. 

23 Man goes out to toil all day.  

24 LORD, how many are your wonders! 

wisely you have made them all. 

Earth is full of all your creatures, 

living things, both great and small. 

25 And the sea, so vast and spacious, 

brings forth life abundantly. 

26 There Leviathan is playing; 

to and fro the ships go by. 

27 All your creatures look towards you 

for their food to be supplied. 

28 What you give to them they gather, 

with your goodness satisfied. 

29 When you hide your face, they're troubled; 

lifeless, they return to earth. 

30 When new life comes from your Spirit, 

to earth's face you give rebirth. 

31 May the LORD's majestic glory 

always last and never fade; 

May the LORD rejoice and triumph 

in the works that he has made. 

32 When he gazes on creation, 

earth begins to shake in fear. 

At his touch the mountains tremble; 

smoke and flames of fire appear. 

33 To the LORD throughout my lifetime

to my God I will sing praise. 

34 May my meditation please him, 

as to him my song I raise. 

35 But may sinners flee before him, 

and the wicked be no more. 

36 Praise be to the LORD Almighty; 

O my soul, the LORD adore! 

Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland. 

Worship Services

Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. 

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.   


1 Birchwood St.,

Charlottetown, PEI

Contact us: 

(902) 394-7080

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