Psalm 102
12 But you, O LORD, are set
For ever on your throne;
Through each succeeding age
Endures your great renown.
13 You will arise in mighty power;
On Zion mercy you will shower.
The set time now has come
To bless Jerusalem.
14 Her stones your saints hold dear;
Her dust is mourned by them.
15 Nations will fear your name, O LORD;
All kings on earth your praise record.
16 For God will yet appear
In glorious might to reign;
The LORD in grace will build
Jerusalem again.
17 The prayers of the poor he'll heed;
He will not spurn their cry of need.
18 Let this be written down
to teach a future race,
So people yet unborn
May magnify his grace:
19 That from his holy place above
The LORD looked down in tender love.
From heav'n he viewed the earth
Observing all mankind,
20 To hear the groans of those
In prison cells confined,
And to deliver from on high
A multitude condemned to die.
21 In Zion will be praised
The LORD's exalted name;
His praises will be sung
Within Jerusalem,
22 When peoples and their kingdoms throng
To serve the LORD with cheerful song.
lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.