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What to Understand About Worship 


Worship of God should be characterized with a sense of the greatness of God.  The writer of the book of Hebrews writes, "Let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:28-29)."   


In worship, We come to hear God speak to us by the Bible and our response to His revelation includes both singing and prayer.  There is a flow from recognizing God's greatness, to our sinfulness; from God's mercy in Christ, to our expression of thanksgiving, from God's guidance in His Word, to our response of faith.   


Every Sunday we set aside our daily affairs to assemble together to celebrate the finished work of Jesus Christ who conquered sin through His death and resurrection in history and we look forward to the eternal rest that be given in heaven.  We gather for worship on Sunday morning at 10:30am and 6:00pm



What Happens During Worship 


Call to Worship—A passage from Scripture is read at the beginning of worship.  These words are our way of hearing God's call to His people and inviting them to join together in worship.  


Prayer of Invocation—This is a prayer at the beginning of our worship where we ask the Lord to bless the service and to accept our worship in and through Jesus Christ.   


Song of Praise—Singing is an overflow of the heart and an important part of worship.  It is something that everyone can do regardless of their sense of ability.  Singing involves a vertical dimension (directed to God) as well as a horizontal dimension (encouraging one another in the truth of God).  Our songs are characterized with the joy of God's greatness, as well as lament for sin and suffering in this world, and petition in asking God for wisdom and strength to live this life.  


Offering—We believe that everything that we have is a gift of God.  The offering is an opportunity to give back a portion of what the Lord has given to us.  For those who are visiting, your presence is a gift to us, but for those who are part of our community, this is a time of worship as we give sacrificially to support the needs of the church and those in need.  


Scripture Reading—This is when a selected portion of the Bible is read.  There are usually two readings.  


Sermon—This is the part where a particular part of Scripture is explained and applied so that we see our need of Jesus and the provision of God's grace in Him.  

Benediction—This is an announcement of the Lord's blessing that is to be received by faith at the end of the service. 

Doxology—This is a short expression of our praise to the Lord.  Preceding the doxology, there is a moment of silence for prayer.



Questions About Worship

How do people dress?  You will find that many people dress business casual.

How long are the services? The worship services usually last an hour, but sometimes can go about 75 minutes. 



Worship Services

Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. 

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.   


1 Birchwood St.,

Charlottetown, PEI

Contact us: 

(902) 394-7080

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